Friday, January 31, 2014

62. Envy (2004)

January 31, 2014

Envy wasn't really that great of a movie. It had some good points, but overall I think it missed the mark. Jack Black plays a dreamer who is always coming up with crazy ideas for inventions, and Ben Stiller plays his best friend who likes to play it safe and doesn't put any stock into Black's inventions. When one of Black's inventions (Va-poo-rize: an aerosol spray that literally makes pet poop disappear) ends up being a billion dollar idea, he becomes incredibly rich, leaving a jealous Stiller wishing he would've been part of it. Black ends up building a mansion across the street from Stiller, complete with a carousel, an archery range, a bowling alley, and whatever else he could possibly want. His pride and joy is his white horse that comes around Stiller's house and eats from their apple tree all the time. After a night of heavy drinking, Stiller accidentally shoots and kills the horse with a bow and arrow. He buries the horse in his backyard, and the next day Black goes looking for the horse and offers a $50,000 reward to anyone who can find it. Stiller recruits the J-Man (Christopher Walken) to dig up the horse and say that he found it somewhere far away, already dead, so he can collect the reward money. Not long after that, Black offers Stiller a partnership in his business, and Stiller gets rich. The J-Man tries to blackmail Stiller by threatening to tell Black about his horse if Stiller doesn't give him some money. Stiller eventually tells Black the truth, and they remain friends, because that is all Black ever wanted - to just be best friends. I guess it had some good moments, but I feel like it could have been a lot better.

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