Tuesday, January 28, 2014

25. Kick-Ass 2 (2013)

January 12, 2014

First off, if you haven't seen the first Kick-Ass yet, please do so right now.
While it doesn't compare to the epic awesomeness of the first movie, Kick-Ass 2 is still a really good sequel. This one introduces a lot more superheroes into the mix, led by Colonel Stars and Stripes (Jim Carrey). Even though Hit Girl (Chloe Grace-Moretz) was still really cool, her story was by far the weakest part of this movie since she spent most of it avoiding her superhero identity. With a nefarious army of evildoers plotting to kill Kick-Ass, and the police rounding up all masked vigilantes, it is up to the superhero crew to rise up and save the day. It wasn't as violent as the first one, and it didn't have that new superhero smell, but despite it's faults, I still really enjoyed it.

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