Thursday, January 30, 2014

36. Bad Grandpa (2013)

January 18, 2014

I'm not sure why I watched Bad Grandpa. It wasn't something I thought looked particularly entertaining, and it isn't generally the kind of movie I like to watch. However, I couldn't believe how funny I found it. Johnny Knoxville was hilarious and very convincing as the eccentric old codger who, against his will and best intentions, takes on the responsibility of caring for his grandson when his daughter has to go to prison and the kid's dad is a total deadbeat. Most of the time I couldn't tell how many of the people involved were in on the joke and just acting and how many of them were genuinely upset by the obnoxious antics of the grandpa and his grandson. It was clearly a lot funnier than I anticipated, although I'd be worried to watch it again and potentially not like it as much the second time. On occasion I've been known to really enjoy something that is distinctly terrible only to go back later and realize the true nature of it. Or, maybe it was really that funny. I'd say from how much I enjoyed it that it is at least worth watching once. Whether you like it or not, one thing is for sure, and that is the makeup effects they did for the grandpa were spectacular.

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