Friday, January 31, 2014

56. Big Bad Wolves (2013)

January 26, 2014

The first third of this movie was amazing. I was thoroughly entertained and couldn't wait to see what happened next. Unfortunately, it got incredibly stupid, and then it just kept getting worse. So if you watch it, just stick with it until the torture starts and then turn it off and make up what you think should happen in your own mind. I really think they ran out of ideas, because where they took this movie was so far in the wrong direction that I almost didn't finish it (and it takes a lot for me to not want to finish a movie). It was about a little girl who went missing and some cops (just slightly on the crooked side) interrogate a suspect by beating him with a phone book and other various, blunt objects. That isn't the torture I was referring to above, by the way. Then it becomes more of a mystery about who really kidnapped the girl, and who else was involved. A mysterious man starts following the suspect and eventually abducts him and one of the cops, and takes them back to his secluded house in the woods where he explains to them that he is the father of that little girl and he is going to torture this guy until he talks (this is where I suggest you stop the tape, rewind, and take it back). It isn't fun after that. In fact, I hate movies like this. I like a good revenge or vigilante justice type of movie, but when you don't even know if the person being tortured is the right guy and you don't have any reason to like the person doing the torturing, I'm just not interested.

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