Thursday, January 30, 2014

38. Jug Face (2013)

January 19, 2014

The only thing I knew about Jug Face going into it was that it was produced by Modernciné, Andrew van den Houten's production company. They are responsible for The Woman, Headspace, Offspring, and many other recent independent horror films, so it had that going for it, and that was enough for me to want to see it. It followed a backwoods group of rednecks that worshiped a deep pit in the ground and whenever the chosen potter made a jug with someone's face on it, that someone then had to be sacrificed to the pit in order to save everyone else from being killed. Usually they went willingly, almost proud to be chosen to satisfy the pit's hunger, but one girl was not so eager to be sacrificed, and when she found her face on a jug at the potter's hut, she stole it and hid it in the woods. The people, who knew there was to be a sacrifice but didn't know who yet, panicked when the potter said he couldn't find the jug, so they told him to make one by memory. Unfortunately he remembered the wrong face and they killed the wrong guy. This obviously didn't make the pit happy, so people started dying. The girl tried running away but didn't get far and soon the people discovered what she had done and tried to make things right. It was a weird concept that sort of worked, although a lot of concessions need to be made by the viewer. For instance, you just have to accept that the pit is what it is and if you don't do what it wants it will kill you.

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