Tuesday, January 28, 2014

16. Ain't Them Bodies Saints (2013)

January 7, 2014

I heard somewhere that the director of Ain't Them Bodies Saints got some song lyrics wrong and that is how they came up with the title of the movie. Kind of a funny story (and it may not even be true), but to me that's a bit like having a baby and naming it after a song you thought you heard on the way to the hospital. Regardless, this was a pretty good movie. Casey Affleck and Rooney Mara star as young lovers who are about to have a baby. But before they do, they steal some money and get chased by the police. Mara shoots a police officer (Ben Foster) and Affleck takes the blame. He gets sentenced to several years in prison and his baby is born while he is on the inside. A few years in, he breaks out and tries to get back home with the authorities closing in on him. It has been done before, but it was still a good movie, with solid performances. Mara was not bad, but Affleck and Foster really carried the movie and made it worth watching.

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