Thursday, January 30, 2014

34. Fire With Fire (2012)

January 17, 2014

I went into Fire With Fire with little expectations, although I was hoping to see more Bruce Willis. He had maybe ten minutes of total screen time. It was a fairly decent movie, though. Josh Duhamel (who I really liked in Scenic Route) stars as a firefighter who witnesses a double homicide in a local convenience store by a gang of white supremacists led by Vincent D'Onofrio. Duhamel picks D'Onofrio out of a lineup and, knowing the history of this gang since they killed his partner, Willis has Duhamel put in witness protection. They pick a spot they think nobody will find him, but of course they do and they send two assassins after him. Duhamel ends up dating one of the FBI agents assigned to his protection, and when she gets shot he goes on a vigilante killing spree, taking out gang members left and right and working his way up to the boss. The movie ends in a cliche but satisfying way, and I enjoyed it.

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