Thursday, January 23, 2014

6. Blackenstein (1973)

January 2, 2014

A guy loses his limbs in the war and his fiancee takes him to a doctor who is able to attach new limbs and, through a series of DNA injections, make the man whole again. Sounds great, right? Problem is, the doctor's lab assistant is a moron (I can only assume the doctor felt sorry for the guy so he gave him a job) and he falls in love with the amputee's fiancee who happens to have worked for the doctor before, or something like that. Anyway, jealous of the poor guy who no longer has arms or legs but still has a loving and devoted young lady at his side, lab assistant decides to switch the DNA injection with some kind of demented DNA that turns the guy into a monster with an enormous head. The movie would have been a whole lot better if they'd given the monster a little more makeup than an oversized head and some stitches, and if they would have let him loose to kill and wreak havoc on the unsuspecting townies. Instead, he killed a few people, some cops got interested, nothing happened, then it was over. Pretty boring take on the Frankenstein story in a market that was already saturated with Frankenstein stories. The biggest disappointment, however, was that the lead actress (Ivory Stone) was actually pretty good and apparently never went on to do any other films. Oh well.

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