Tuesday, January 28, 2014

23. We Are The Night (2010)

January 11, 2014

I think it is safe to say we have enough American vampire movies out there that we'd be OK if they stopped making any for a while (unless they make more movies like Stake Land). However, We Are The Night was German, and I think foreign countries should keep making awesome vampire movies for as long as they can. I've never really liked the whole vampire royalty thing like in True Blood, and nobody who cares about anything good likes Twilight or anything inspired by it, so I was very relieved to find that the vampires in We Are The Night are just a pack of fun-loving, blood-sucking vampires. That's it and that's all, man. Well, there is one rule, and that is only girls can be vampires. They gave a reason but I didn't think it was important so I forgot it. The film follows a young girl who nobody really cares about until one of the vampires decides to make her one of them. The girl is reluctant throughout and can't stand the thought of killing people, so she fights that side of it while embracing the wild and crazy cool side of it. The other vampires try to find her some scumbags to eat and when things get messy the cops start getting involved and begin to hunt down the girls. I would recommend this movie to anyone interested in a modern vampire movie that doesn't act like a teenage chick flick.

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