Friday, January 31, 2014

60. Equinox (1970)

January 30, 2014

There were some really funny parts in Equinox, but overall I wouldn't say it was a very good movie. It was originally a student film project in 1970 that turned into a feature film. Equinox is a kind of throw-back to older monster movies, with claymation special effects and incredibly hammy acting. Two couples go out to the woods and find a crazy old man in a cave who gives them a book and laughs and babbles about something. One of the guys can read Latin, so he is able to interpret the book, and one of the guys just took a basket-weaving course, so he puts together some charm necklaces that the book says are good symbols. Then they see a castle that may or may not really be there, and a giant ape/dinosaur thing that tries to kill them. They fight off a 50 foot tall neanderthal and occasionally they turn evil for no apparent reason. For a student project, it is really well done, but for a movie that actual people see and talk about, it is just kind of silly.

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