Friday, January 31, 2014

55. About Time (2013)

January 26, 2014

About Time is the kind of movie I just shouldn't really watch. Don't get me wrong, I loved it, but it was one of those movies where you know what is going to happen and it still is really upsetting. The story involves the men in one British family having the ability to time travel if they go to a dark place and clench their fists tight and think of the time in their past they want to revisit. It sounds pretty silly, and leave it to the British to make time travel cheeky, but it was really good. Ultimately, it is about the love between a father and a son, and how important that relationship is. Bill Nighy plays the father in the story. His son, played by Bill Weasley (Domhnall Gleeson), is the one who does most of the time travelling in the movie, and he gets to see the effect of his actions each time he time travels. Don't expect a scientifically accurate or acceptable movie. Just acknowledge that the men in the family can and do travel through time, and enjoy the movie for what it is.

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