Wednesday, January 29, 2014

32. Blast Vegas (2013)

January 16, 2014

After their unlikely smash hit, Sharknado, SyFy followed up with the lazy and thoroughly unsatisfying pile of garbage that is Blast Vegas. Watching this, I really felt sorry for Frankie Muniz and Barry Bostwick. They must have desperately needed the money. The CGI was absolutely ridiculous, and half of it was recycled several times throughout the movie. Let me be clear - I know that when you sit down to watch a movie with the SyFy logo on it, you are pretty much guaranteed to watch a terrible movie (and sometimes that can be pretty fun), but I expected it to be at least a little bit entertaining. A group of fraternity brothers gets to Vegas at the same time as a group of sorority sisters and the two groups start mingling. Next thing you know, they've unleashed an ancient Egyptian curse upon Las Vegas. There is a giant CGI sand snake that flies around and sucks people into it, and a CGI tiger that is too slow to catch one girl even when she stops to try to get around a semi that is stuck in the road. Not to mention the guy that keeps trying to cross the street at the exact time when the one car on the street is weaving through wrecked cars. It becomes up to Muniz, Bostwick, and Muniz' new girlfriend to outsmart the curse and put a stop to all the madness. They eventually do, with several casualties and stupid sub-plots along the way.

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