Tuesday, January 28, 2014

18. All The Boys Love Mandy Lane (2006)

January 8, 2014

For some reason, this movie sat for 7 years before getting released. Too bad, because it really is a good movie. Mandy Lane (Amber Heard) is a high-school girl who, as the title suggests, is loved by all the boys. She gets invited to a party at one of the cool kid's parents' house and decides to go, despite being modest and slightly disinterested. The other kids at the party all make an attempt to come on to Mandy, but she turns them all down. Shortly thereafter, the other kids at the party all start to turn up dead, as it seems someone isn't too happy about them hitting on Mandy. For a modern-day, indie slasher film, I thought it was really enjoyable. I would definitely watch it again. With movies like this, Trick 'R Treat, and Cabin in the Woods getting shelved by the studios for so long, it makes me wonder what else they're holding out on us with...

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