Friday, January 31, 2014

52. Dallas Buyers Club (2013)

January 25, 2014

This was my second time watching Dallas Buyers Club. So far I've seen seven of the nine Best Picture Oscar nominated movies this year and this is by far my favorite. Matthew McConoughey gives an outstanding performance as a heterosexual man who contracts HIV from having unprotected sex and subsequently gets AIDS. He refuses to give in to the virus, however, and since the FDA and the doctors will not prescribe anything worthwhile, he goes to Mexico to get some real help. Then he ends up bringing back a bunch of vitamins and other, healthier alternatives to the FDA approved medicine, and starts a 'buyers club' where people buy a membership and get all the drugs they need for free (since selling drugs directly is illegal). He befriends a transvestite (Jared Leto) who also has the virus, and together they create an impressive operation and help a lot of sick people. This was a very powerful movie, and shows McConoughey's transformation from a drug-using, promiscuous, slightly bigoted dirtbag to a decent human being through adversity. If you haven't seen it, do yourself a favor and check it out.

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