Tuesday, January 28, 2014

21. Her (2013)

January 10, 2014

I've heard a lot of people rave about Her, but to be honest, I really didn't like it. My wife fell asleep shortly after it started, and I think that was probably a wise decision. About 75% of the film is just staring at Joaquin Phoenix's mopey face and listening to him talk to his computer, which may as well be a girl on the phone. So in essence, we are just watching one side of a conversation for a couple hours. The only 'shocking' thing about the movie is that he isn't talking to a real person, he is talking to an operating system with an artificial conscience, which if we're being honest will probably not be too far from reality for some people in the near future. The other 25% of the movie is actually kind of interesting, and features some fun characters and situations, but not enough to save me from the boredom of the rest of it. So if you're like most of the people I've talked to, you'll absolutely love Her and think it is one of the greatest things ever... but if you're like me, you'll be pretty bored and you shouldn't waste your time.

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