Friday, January 31, 2014

51. I, Frankenstein (2014)

January 25, 2014

Even though it is only January, I would be willing to say I, Frankenstein will be the worst movie of 2014. I knew it was going to be bad from the trailer, and when my friend Patrick asked me if I was up for the challenge of sitting through this movie with him, I accepted. We were both hoping for that so-bad-its-good satisfaction, but it didn't even come close. From the atrocious dialogue, to the lamest CGI, to the worst acting I've seen in a long time, I, Frankenstein could possibly be one of the worst movies I have ever seen. When Victor Frankenstein tries to destroy his creation (Aaron Eckhart), he fails and only manages to make the creature mad. The creature then kills Frankenstein's wife and when Frankenstein seeks revenge, he ends up freezing to death. The creature takes Frankenstein's body to the cemetery to bury him and encounters demons and gargoyles and he learns that they have been fighting a war for centuries that the humans know nothing about. Later on it can be seen that the reason no humans know about the war is because no humans live in London, apparently. I think they were just too lazy to throw in some CGI people walking around. That doesn't matter. What matters is this movie was terrible. Please don't waste your time or money on this pathetic drivel.

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