Friday, February 14, 2014

99. Notting Hill (1999)

February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day movie part two. This time we picked a movie that we both had already seen and could tolerate. Hugh Grant movies are a guilty pleasure (except for Lair of the White Worm - that movie is just pure awesome, guilt-free), so anytime we need to watch a chick-flick/romantic comedy, my go-to choices always have him in them. Notting Hill follows international superstar actress, Julia Roberts, on a stop in England promoting her movie, when she runs into Hugh Grant and the two start a charmingly befuddled relationship. The problem is, since she is so famous, she tries her best to avoid anyone finding out anything about her personal life. So even though she has a great time with Grant, she refuses to let it get very serious and they end up having an on-again, off-again relationship until the predictable sappy ending. Not my favorite Hugh Grant movie, but still kind of fun. It was written by Richard Curtis, so that helps.

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