Saturday, February 15, 2014

102. Evil Dead (2013)

February 15, 2014

There was a lot of controversy surrounding the Evil Dead remake before it came out. A lot of people whine and moan about any movie being remade, but the legion of fans of the original Evil Dead trilogy, myself included, made it well known that this was a franchise that shouldn't be touched. Fortunately those feelings were cast aside when we sat in theaters last year and watched this unyieldingly gory and extremely entertaining reboot. It didn't try to be the original movie. It wasn't the exact same story, and it didn't have any comedic relief, just an awful lot of blood. It started with Mia, a drug adict, being brought to a cabin in the woods by a few friends and her brother as a chance to detoxify her system and rid her of her habit. Not long after they arrived, they found a door in the floor to the cellar, where some pretty nasty stuff took place years before. They also found the book of the dead, and one of the friends made the mistake of reading from the book, summoning a demonic, evil spirit that took possession of Mia's body. At first everyone thought Mia was just freaking out because she needed her drugs, but eventually they realized this was something more, when everyone else started dying. The final battle with the demon is what makes this movie awesome. Don't watch it if you have a weak stomache. I'd say this is a worthy addition to the franchise, and hopefully they will continue the new series (as well as possibly making Army of Darkness 2 or Evil Dead 4, or whatever they decide to call it...).

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