Saturday, February 15, 2014

101. Say Anything (1989)

February 15, 2014

Released in 1989, Say Anything felt a bit like a fond farewell to a decade of big hair and partying. It wasn't my favorite of the 80s comedies, but it does stand on its own. I was a bit surprised during the iconic scene with John Cusack and his boom box, playing Peter Gabriel's In Your Eyes, by how short and inconsequential it was to the story. Ione Skye didn't even get out of bed to see him standing there. I read someone's review about that, and they thought maybe she was dreaming and that is why she didn't get out of bed. No big deal, just a curiosity. In the movie, Cusack plays a lonely underachiever with no plans for his future other than to just be in love with Skye, a brilliant and beautiful girl at the top of her graduating class, with big plans for college and beyond. They do the best to make the most of their short time together despite an impending and most likely permanent separation. They fall so in love with each other, however, that they both refuse to let their relationship end. There was also a sad but interesting side story with Skye's dad, played by the always entertaining John Mahoney. Say Anything is definitely worth seeing at least once.

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