Monday, February 10, 2014

85. Enough Said (2013)

February 9, 2014

At times, Enough Said was a fantastic movie that was as heartwarming as it was funny, but most of the movie was just uncomfortably awkward. The best parts featured the late James Gandolfini, and I actually found myself missing him as if I had known him. He was a great actor, and his presence made this movie and most everything else he was in all the better. It starred Julia Louise-Dreyfus as a middle-aged divorcee with a teenage daughter about to start college. She met Catherine Keener (another middle-aged divorcee) at a party and the two became really good friends. At the same party she met Gandolfini (yet another middle-aged divorcee, you get the theme?) and they started dating despite some initial hangups about his weight. Through an unfortunate twist, her relationship with Gandolfini becomes strained, and she has to work hard to get back together with him while everything else in her life changes. Like I said, it had some really wonderful moments, but be aware that parts of it did drag on at times. It had a strong enough ending that I would suggest watching it for a date night or something like that.

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