Sunday, February 23, 2014

120. Lust in the Dust (1985)

February 23, 2014

Paul Bartel (Eating Raoul) directed this relatively unknown 80's western about a couple of sisters (Divine and the mom from My Big Fat Greek Wedding) who each have half of a map tattooed on their bum. Divine plays a horny drifter who falls in and out with a diverse gang of outlaws and meets up with a gunslinger named Abel Wood. Together they head to a small town with a legend of buried treasure and start to mingle with the locals in a tavern owned by Divine's sister (although they don't find out they're sisters until later). When they eventually discover that their tattoos make a full map, they go looking for the treasure and try to fight off all the other treasure hunters. It was an OK movie that I wouldn't really recommend unless you're a big fan of Divine or Paul Bartel.

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