Wednesday, February 19, 2014

112. Battle Royale (2000)

February 19, 2014

I've watched Battle Royale a few times now, but this was the first time since the Hunger Games came out. It really is surprising that there aren't law suits in regards to the similarities. Sure, you could say the idea isn't specific to Battle Royale, as similar stories have been told since the beginning of time, but the Hunger Games felt like they took the Battle Royale script and made it PG-13. So what? Big deal. Battle Royale is pretty awesome, though. Especially if you get a sick thrill from watching kids killing each other in ultra-violent ways. Who doesn't, right? Supposedly Quentin Tarentino said it was one of his favorite films, so that should tell you something about how violent it is. It starts with a bunch of kids on a bus who end up at some kind of facility where armed men tell them they have to kill each other until only one is left alive. There isn't a lot of time for character development, but that doesn't matter. There is plenty of time for a bunch of teenagers to brutally annihilate each other. Eventually, some kids try to beat the system, and they sort of do, just like in The Hunger Games.

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