Wednesday, February 12, 2014

90. Troll (1986)

February 12, 2014

A little known secret is that Troll is actually a prequel to the first Harry Potter movie. They were going to call it Harry Potter and the Lair of the Troll, but ... Ok, that isn't true. But it is rumored that J.K. Rowling partially got her idea for Harry Potter from the movie Troll. I'm not making that part up. Michael Moriarty plays Harry Potter, the father of a young, dark-haired boy named Harry Potter Jr., who discovers that his sister's body has been taken over by a troll and is now wreaking havoc on the residents of the small apartment complex they just moved in to. Young Harry Potter must find a way to save his sister, and with the help of an old woman who knows more than she lets on about trolls and other magic, he finds a way to save the day. I actually really like this movie. I don't know if it is because of the 80s campiness, or John Carl Buechler's cool creature effects, but something about this movie makes me happy.

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