Thursday, February 6, 2014

78. Raze (2013)

February 5, 2014

There were a few brief moments during Raze where I felt like it had some potential, and it could have been a contender. Unfortunately, it didn't have any real purpose, and the ending was so deliriously useless that I couldn't help but feel cheated out of an hour and a half of my time. To any up-and-coming filmmakers, I won't try to act like I know all the ins and outs of making a movie, but I will say that I have watched more movies than a lot of people even know exist, so I know a thing or two about what makes a movie worth watching. Spoiler Alert: [The hero of your movie should not be shot in the back by some jerk after she has narrowly escaped with her life.] The movie was pretty nonsensical, ripping off films like Hostel and Saw, and throwing a bunch of young women in cells where they await their chance to beat each other to death with their bare hands so a headless voice can assure them they won't kill their family members. There is also a cliche group of rich people betting on the fights because, why not? When our lone survivor, Sabrina, breaks free and kills the two leaders and a few guards then escapes her perilous fate, they take that one bright spot and turn it into something worthless (see spoiler alert above). This is one I would suggest avoiding. I'm sure you can find plenty of better ways to waste your time.

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