Wednesday, February 12, 2014

89. Hardware (1990)

February 12, 2014

Hardware director Richard Stanley is second to none in his use of desolate landscapes to paint a bleak setting for his stories. Sometime in the distant future, when Earth's atmosphere seems barely fit for humans anymore, Dylan McDermot buys some junk (including a decapitated robot head) from a zone trooper. He brings it home to his girlfriend who is an artist, and she uses the head to build a sculpture which then comes to life and tries to kill everyone. They find out that the robot was actually being designed by the government for "population control" meaning just killing as many people as it could. Hardware also has a pretty fun soundtrack, with songs by PiL, Iggy Pop, Motorhead, and Ministry. I'd recommend it to anyone with steam-punk fantasies or metal heads with an interest in welding and robotics.

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