Friday, February 14, 2014

97. Witchboard (1986)

February 14, 2014

Scream Factory recently released two of Kevin Tenney's films on blu-ray: Night of the Demons and Witchboard. Night of the Demons is easily the better of the two, but Witchboard is still pretty fun. It involves two ex-best friends and the girl who cost them their friendship. One of the guys is still with the girl, and the other guy still occasionally hangs out with them despite them fiercely hating each other. At a party hosted by the girl, the ex-boyfriend brings a Ouija board and summons the ghost of a 10 year old boy who died a long time ago. Everything seems friendly at first, until the ghost becomes inextricably linked to the girl, and people start dying. Turns out it may not be the ghost of a friendly little boy, after all. Worth watching, for sure, but if you're in the mood for a good Kevin Tenney film my highest recommendation is Pinnochio's Revenge.

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