Tuesday, February 18, 2014

111. License to Drive (1988)

February 18, 2014

To me, getting my driver's license was never a big deal. I just never thought about it. That's probably why I couldn't really relate to this movie. Corey Haim stars as a kid who fantasizes about having his driver's license so he doesn't have to take the bus anymore and so he can get a car to impress a girl. His dedication is impressive, but circumstances beyond his control (and some poor test-taking skills) cause him to fail the exam and not get his license. Determined to take his new, coincidental girlfriend, Heather Graham, out on a date, he steals his grandfather's car and picks her up. Through an escalating series of bizarre events involving Graham, a drunk car thief, Haim's best friend (Corey Feldman), Haim's pregnant mom (Carol Kane), cops, alcohol, an angry street gang, and an even angrier dad, the car gets destroyed beyond recognition and Haim takes all the blame. License to Drive had some fun scenes and was probably worth watching once, but I don't really care enough to see it again.

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