Monday, February 10, 2014

86. The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman (2013)

February 9, 2014

The Necessary Death of Charlie Countryman was a pretty interesting movie, that showed another side of the supposedly now retired Shia LeBeouf. LeBeouf starred as Charlie Countryman, a young adult with nowhere to go in life. After his mother dies, he sees a vision of her in which she tells him to go to Bucharest. He does as told, and on the flight to Romania he meets a man named Victor who is bringing his daughter a silly hat. When Victor dies in his sleep on the flight, Charlie once again sees a vision of the recently deceased telling him to give the hat to his daughter. After an awkward run-in with the Romanian authorities, he meets Victor's daughter Gabi (Evan Rachel Wood), and the two become friends. Unfortunately, Gabi is married, and her husband Nigel (Mads Mikkelsen) is a real psycho. Throwing caution to the wind, Charlie decides to get closer to Gabi despite Nigel's sadistic threats, and eventually Charlie gets caught up in a nasty web involving Nigel and a handful of deadly mobsters. Well worth the watch, Charlie Countryman was a surprising coming of age story that kept my attention the whole time.

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