Wednesday, February 5, 2014

69. Stalled (2013)

February 3, 2014

Another indie zombie flick... As usual, it wasn't necessarily bad, it has just been done over and over and over. This one took place almost entirely in a bathroom. A janitor was working in the women's restroom during an office Christmas party when two girls came in and started talking. He hid and watched the girls, who were wearing only bikinis, as they started kissing. Then one of the girls turned into a zombie and ate the other girl. She tried to get the janitor, but he smashed her head in the toilet. Then several zombies started coming into the bathroom and trying to eat him. I can't remember how, but a live woman got stuck in the stall next to the janitor, and the two started talking. Neither were very interesting, and the zombies kept coming. Making use of what resources he had, the janitor formulated a plan to get his toolbox (which incidentally he stole from his boss, as well as stealing some money and a cell phone), and then he went behind the wall into a crawlspace to get out, but was still surrounded. Eventually he covered himself in toilet paper for some reason and ran through the zombie horde. For some reason that worked, proving zombies can't bite through toilet paper, I guess. Aside from a few gory bits, this movie didn't really have a lot going for it, so I wouldn't honestly recommend it to anyone. It wasn't bad, it just wasn't very interesting.

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