Wednesday, February 5, 2014

70. The Vagrant (1992)

February 3, 2014

This movie was awesome! Bill Paxton has been in some weird movies, and this was definitely one of his weirdest. The only thing weirder that he has been in that I know of was The Dark Backward (which was also awesome). The Vagrant starts with Paxton looking for a house for him and his girlfriend to move in to. He finds a pretty good deal on a decent house and buys it, but on the first day he starts living there he finds a homeless man in his kitchen. The man leaves and Paxton becomes increasingly paranoid about the vagrant. He puts up a huge fence and motion detectors and all kinds of security, but the homeless man keeps finding a way in. When people around town start dying, Paxton blames the homeless man, but only his best friend believes him, and the cops (Michael Ironside and some other guy) start thinking Paxton is the killer. Through a long, strange, and often hilarious process, Paxton ends up losing his girlfriend, his house, and his job, and becomes the manager at a trailer park. He is well respected there until people there start dying and he sees the homeless guy again. I won't spoil the ending, because it was pretty good. This was Paxton at his most delusional, schizophrenic, paranoid best, and I would suggest it to anyone who wants to see something different. Thanks again to Scream Factory for releasing this one on DVD.

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