Wednesday, February 5, 2014

73. Here Comes The Devil (2012)

February 3, 2014

Here Comes The Devil was easily one of the coolest horror movies I've seen in a long time. It was in Spanish, with subtitles, so they'll probably remake it soon for Americans who don't like to read. It started with a serial killer who supposedly died on the side of a mountain, but whose spirit lives on. A boy and a girl and their parents are on vacation at a beach when the girl has her first period. They get her to the nearest gas station and the mom helps her get cleaned up when they see a creepy guy watching them. The gas station sits at the bottom of the aforementioned mountain, and when the kids tell their parents they want to play on the mountain, the mom gives them an hour and a half before they have to leave. Several hours go by and the kids never show up. The police get involved and eventually find the kids the next morning. The kids are noticeably different though, and through several tests with doctors and psychologists, it is determined that the kids have been sexually assaulted. The parents go back and look for the creepy guy they saw and eventually find him with the bloody panties he stole, and they exact a brutal revenge. It turns out that something much more sinister is going on, however when strange things start happening at their house involving their children. I feel like I've already said too much, so I encourage you to go check this movie out and see just how awesome it really is.

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