Saturday, February 15, 2014

104. Movie 43 (2013)

February 15, 2014

This movie left me speechless. My friend Patrick told me I would probably hate it but I had to watch it, so I did, and I think he was right. This is one you absolutely have to see to believe, and even then you may not believe what you saw. It was a series of short films solely designed to offend the viewer. Some of them were admittedly pretty funny, while others were just so bizarre and gross. It really had me wondering why such big name actors would allow themselves to be involved (seriously, go take a look at who is in this film). The main point of the movie was a desperate Dennis Quaid was trying to pitch a movie idea to Greg Kinnear and his ideas were absolutely insane and ridiculous. I don't think I can honestly recommend this bewildering film to anyone, unless you just love bizarre, pointless, gross humor.

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