Saturday, February 22, 2014

119. RoboCop (2014)

February 22, 2014

The new RoboCop will probably never be thought of as a classic, but it was pretty good for a remake. It didn't try to copy the original or add a bunch of new stuff, it just found its own beat and went with it, and I liked that. The one thing I wish it would have had was more blood and gore like the original, but like I said before the original probably couldn't be made today. They started with the same source material - a good cop gets killed by some pretty bad guys, and a multi-billion dollar corporation (Omnicorp), headed by Michael Keaton, instructs their lead scientist (Gary Oldman) to build a human robot to circumvent the country's laws restricting a robot police force. Not wanting RoboCop's human side to interfere with his robot abilities, Omnicorp lowers his dopamine levels to reduce his human emotions. What they weren't counting on was RoboCop's human side to shine through, as he began remembering his past and trying to solve his own murder. Again, this wasn't as good as the original, but it was still better than a lot of the movies getting released these days.

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