Wednesday, February 12, 2014

92. M (1931)

February 12, 2014

Fritz Lang's M is a classic movie that should be seen by everyone interested in film. Peter Lorre stars as a child murderer, and while he is doing his evil deeds, the whole town where he lives goes crazy trying to solve the case. People start to suspect each other, and reward signs serve as a constant reminder that a murderer is loose on the streets. The police set up several searches to catch the murderer, including raiding local businesses. The other criminals in town realize this is bad for their business, so they set up their own search for him. When a blind man recognizes the tune (In the Hall of the Mountain King) another man is whistling, he puts it together that that is the killer and he lets someone know to follow him. The man following him marks his coat with a letter M, setting the stage for his inevitable capture. When he is caught, the townspeople put him on trial and he admits to being unable to control his urge to kill. Like most movies made before the use of CGI, this isn't for those with a short attention span. It is clever, incredibly suspenseful, years ahead of its time, and it actually takes the time to tell us a convincing story.

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