Wednesday, February 5, 2014

76. Bug (2006)

February 4, 2014

Michael Shannon is one of my favorite actors. I think he just has such a likeable persona that, even when he is playing a bad guy, I can't help but enjoy his character. In Bug, he plays one of the craziest people ever put on film, and his infectious craziness rubs off strong on his new-found love interest, Ashley Judd. Both Shannon and Judd portrayed an intense deterioration from fairly normal people to absolute lunatics over a short period of time. When Shannon starts seeing bugs all over the place that aren't really there, he soon convinces Judd that they are infested. Then the two of them begin developing scars all over their body from picking at the bugs. Eventually, they line their motel room with tinfoil to prevent the bugs from transmitting a signal to the government and alerting them of Shannon's whereabouts. The whole movie was a whirlwind of paranoid delusional chaos, culminating in a gasoline fueled blaze, and leaving the viewer to wonder what was real and what wasn't real, and what really happened.


  1. Holy crap, that's the creepiest thing I've seen in a long time!

    Ever think about putting a link to the trailer on your posts? You could set up an Amazon affiliates account and get a couple pennies if someone linked through.
