Wednesday, February 5, 2014

68. Unholy Rollers (1972)

February 2, 2014

From Vernon Zimmerman, the director of my absolute favorite movie Fade To Black, comes this strange film about an intense rivalry in a roller derby. To be fair, I don't know the first thing about roller derby, so I can't formulate an honest opinion about what was going on in the movie. The problem for me is that after watching the movie, I still don't know anything about it. It looked like there were only two teams that traveled the country to play against each other - the Demons and the Avengers, and they roller-bladed around in circles hitting other players and occasionally scoring points somehow. They also were able to make money through sponsorships, as the main girl went from poor and working in a tuna factory to extremely rich off of the commercials she did thanks to her roller derby fame. That main girl was former Playboy playmate of the year, Claudia Jennings, and she did a decent job as the lead. After she quit her job in the factory, she tried out for the roller derby and was one of the few selected to play. Her hot shot attitude quickly landed her in the number one position on the team, creating some fierce jealousy among her teammates. As time went on, and the fame went more to her head, she began alienating everyone on her team, as well as her managers and even her friends. I think to be able to really enjoy this film, it might help to at least have a little knowledge of the sport to begin with. Not that I didn't like it, but that would have helped me understand it and keep my interest more.

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