Tuesday, February 11, 2014

87. Vampire's Kiss (1988)

February 10, 2014

Despite the title, Vampire's Kiss should never be considered a vampire movie. Despite the silly poster, Vampire's Kiss should also never be considered a comedy. Vampire's Kiss was more or less a vehicle for Nicolas Cage to showcase just how awful of an actor he is capable of being (or brilliant, depending on how you look at it). Coming off as some kind of surfer-dude stock-broker type of guy (Keanu Reeves with a desk job... and Tourette's), Cage focuses most of his energy throughout the movie on verbally assaulting his secretary who can't find the one record Cage kind of needs to satisfy a client who isn't that concerned about it to begin with. Meanwhile, Cage becomes increasingly deranged after finding a bat in his apartment, and subsequently being bit by a seductive vampire lady. Cage starts to believe he is turning into a vampire, even going as far as to buy costume vampire teeth and then biting a woman at a party. His secretary eventually makes plans to quit, which leads the verbal assault to physical assault. The secretary then tells her brother, who goes out for revenge. I went into it expecting a comedy, and was a little disappointed that it wasn't. It also had several promising features that never really went anywhere, yet the movie was still a few minutes too long. I feel like Cage's craziness should have been reigned in a bit, and maybe under better direction this movie could have been salvaged. As it is, there is a reason this title has mostly been forgotten over the years.

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