Friday, February 28, 2014

127. RoboCop (2014)

February 28, 2014

Yeah, I saw RoboCop again. I actually liked it better the second time, although the funniest part (as well as the most annoying) was probably the audience. Before the movie started there was a commercial for something and this lady behind me kept talking about it, saying, "What kind of foolishness...?" Then when the trailer for the new Purge movie came on she said, "I hope that never happens for real." While I echo her sentiment, I think most people would agree that we hope a lot of things we see in movies never happens for real, and it made me wonder if she understood what a trailer really was. That was ultimately the funny part of the audience. The annoying part was a group of kids that kept coming and going and talking on their phones for the last 20 minutes. I think one of them was throwing gum because someone started shouting about gum in their hair near the end of the movie. Normally, something like that would drive me crazy, but having seen it already, I wasn't too upset about all the distractions. My friend that was with me hadn't seen it yet, so by the end of the movie he was furious. Which brings up an interesting and unfortunate point - with all the recent theater shootings and violence, neither of us felt comfortable complaining. I guess the lady behind me had a point (in a roundabout way), awful things do happen for real far too often these days.

*Note: If you want to read what I actually thought about the movie, go back a few posts.

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