Wednesday, February 12, 2014

88. The Boxer's Omen (1983)

February 12, 2014

The Boxer's Omen was an ultra-bizarre freak out of a movie. I'm really not sure what I just saw. It started off fairly simple, with a boxing match between a man from Hong Kong and a man from Thailand. When the man from Hong Kong was declared the winner, the Thai man took advantage of his back being turned and savagely beat him until he had to go to the hospital. The man from Hong Kong's brother vowed revenge and set up a new match between him and the Thai man. Here's where things got strange. Some kind of evil sorcerer was trapped by a good sorcerer, and the good sorcerer killed his bat, but the bad guy resurrected his bat and a whole bunch of other stuff and sent them after the good guy. There was a bunch of Buddhist symbolism (I think) and some wacky creatures, as well as these guys who kept doing gross stuff like eating each other's vomit to resurrect some lady. There were magic duels between good and evil that involved floating heads and crocodile skulls. And all of that was just the tip of the iceberg. I can't do justice here to the incomprehensible surrealism of this film. For anyone who wants to watch something weird for the sake of being weird, this is about as good as it gets.

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