Wednesday, February 5, 2014

75. Bunny and the Bull (2009)

February 4, 2014

Years ago I was a pretty big fan of The Mighty Boosh, and I remember wanting to see Bunny and the Bull as it had much of the same cast and crew. For some reason, I never did see it, and eventually forgot about it until I just happened to come across it again the other day. It definitely had a similar flair for imagination as The Mighty Boosh, if not quite as funny. It is about a man who hasn't left his flat in years, and spends most of his time collecting and organizing strange things in boxes all over his place. He ventures into his past in his mind, to a vacation he took with his best friend, Bunny. The two of them traveled all over Europe with some money they won at a horse race, and encountered all sorts of interesting people and places. The greatest thing about this movie was the beautiful makeshift set pieces and props, all made out of random assortments of stuff, such as buildings and bridges made of newspaper, and a room built out of books, among other things. It was a really good movie that lagged in some points, but finished strong. Recommended for fans of the show or anyone who enjoys quirky indie comedies.


  1. Easy now, fuzzy little man peach!

    Ever drunk Bailey's from a shoe?

    1. Some say Old Gregg is like a.. a big fish finger. But big like as in a garage. Imagine a fish finger as big as a garage!
