Sunday, February 16, 2014

107. Hollow Man (2000)

February 16, 2014

Hollow Man was a pretty intense sci-fi film that follows a morally ambiguous scientist (Kevin Bacon) along his descent into pure evil. Having already discovered the formula for making living creatures invisible, Bacon sets his sights on a formula to make them visible again. His tests prove successful on animals, but before he tells the government about his success, he decides to test it on a human subject first. Since he is the one who invented it, and the leader of the project, he volunteers to be the test subject, and the first stage of the test - invisibility - goes smooth. The second part, however, fails miserably. He remains invisible while losing every last shred of his sanity. Refusing to be caged like one of his lab animals, he leaves the facility and, under the cover of invisibility, attacks a woman who lives near him. His co-workers realize his instability so they decide to contact the government agents in charge, but Bacon remains several steps ahead of them, eventually going on a killing spree to save his reputation. Worth watching if you're into suspenseful sci-fi movies, or if you're just a Paul Verhoeven fan, but not if you're easily offended by portrayals of vivisection (even old CGI animated animal abuse).

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