Wednesday, February 12, 2014

91. Horrors of Malformed Men (1969)

February 12, 2014

This one was pretty weird, too. A man mysteriously finds himself as a patient in an insane asylum, with no clue as to how he got there. He manages to get out and, with the help of a strange girl and some fractured memories, he makes his way to a remote island to find out more about his past. He meets several people who are not what they seem, and when people start dying around him he starts to look deeper into what is going on, leading him to find a rocky beach where his father is turning regular people into freaks so they can have an army to take over all the normal people. Of course, there was a lot more to it than that, but that is the general idea. It was a fairly decent movie. The guy playing the father kept contorting his body around on the rocks, and I couldn't help but imagine he was posing for a Led Zeppelin album cover.

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