Monday, February 10, 2014

84. Philomena (2013)

February 9, 2014

Philomena was the last of the nine films nominated for a best picture Academy Award in 2013 that my wife and I had yet to see, and it was really good. My favorite is still Dallas Buyers Club, followed by Nebraska, but I think Philomena might come in at third place for me. Based on a pretty incredible true story, it starred Judi Dench as Philomena, an old woman who had been searching for her son for over 50 years since he was taken from her by the Catholic church and sold to an American family. Steve Coogan also starred as a journalist who decided to help Philomena find her son so he could tell their story. The pair of them took a trip to America and after some digging found out that her son had actually ended up as a top member of the Republican party, serving the Reagan and Bush administration. They also discovered he was a homosexual, and unfortunately he died young of AIDS. Coogan and Dench tracked down his lover, and found out that the son had actually tried finding her too. This movie exposed the Catholic church for their blatant lies and truly evil practices, while a sweet old woman found out the truth about her son. It was a very touching movie, that definitely deserved being nominated for best picture.

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