Monday, February 10, 2014

79. +1 (2013)

February 8, 2014

+1 was a strange movie. It started with the kid from the Purge accidentally kissing a girl who wasn't his girlfriend in front of his girlfriend. She broke up with him and he spent the rest of the movie trying to apologize. After the incident with the kiss, some sort of meteorite or tiny alien spaceship or something fell to earth, and did some funky stuff with the electricity. The kids then went to a big party at a friend's house and the power kept flickering. Whenever it did, a previous version of each person showed up from about 15 minutes earlier. Only a few people noticed at first, but eventually they all figured it out. As the power kept flickering, the previous versions of people started getting closer in time, and the real versions of people got so freaked out that some of them started killing the other them. If it sounds complicated, its because it was. I actually liked it a lot more than I thought I would. The cool sci-fi twist far outweighed the teenage chick flick party side, and even made it worth watching the annoying Purge guy for an entire movie.


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