Sunday, November 30, 2014

449. Killing Them Softly (2012)

November 30, 2014

I heard a lot of negativity about this movie, and I never had much interest in seeing it until a good friend of mine told me it was good. I totally agree with him. It wasn't amazing, but it was a very good, solid film. The craziest thing about it was that nobody in the cast was a good guy. There were some semi-likable people but everyone was sleazy. Ray Liotta ran an underground card game with a bunch of mob members and decided to hire people to knock off his own game and steal everyone's money. He got away with it but then ran his mouth and let everyone know. They were surprisingly OK with it and let him go, and he even kept the games going. Some rival mob guys got wind of it and decided to knock off the games again, knowing that Liotta would take the blame. So they did it, and Liotta did take the blame, but the guys were too stupid to keep their mouths shut and ended up getting contracts out on their own heads. Brad Pitt played one of the guys hired to take them out. Richard Jenkins was the mob lawyer. James Gandolfini was the other hired gun. Everybody was a bad guy, and 'Killing Them Softly' was a good movie.

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