Tuesday, November 11, 2014

411. Leonard Part 6 (1987)

November 11, 2014

Sometimes you're just in the mood to watch 'Leonard Part 6'. I had the day off work and I was home alone. I was excited to watch the grossest horror movies that my wife doesn't want to watch with me. I had a few picked out and ready to go. Then I saw that Bill Cosby had asked the people of Twitter to "meme" him, which brought up rape allegations and all kinds of other demons from his past. Most importantly it made me want to watch 'Leonard Part 6'. I started thinking maybe something was wrong with me when I popped in the DVD and laughed along with the trailers for 'Are We There Yet?' and 'Daddy Day Care'. Nobody should laugh with those movies. I was in a good mood though, so I let The Cos take me to his crazy world where he, Leonard Parker, was a retired secret agent - the best the world had ever known - who quit the game after his wife found him lying naked with a 19 year old girl and left him. The world was in danger yet again, however, and the government needed Leonard's talents to defeat an evil vegetarian and her vegetarian army who were plotting to turn the world's animals into killing machines and take over the planet. With the help of his butler and a trusted gypsy who spoke only gibberish, Leonard came out of retirement to save the world and prove his love to his wife. Sure, it is silly, but when the mood hits you, 'Leonard Part 6' is awesome.

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