Thursday, November 6, 2014

403. A Long Way Down (2014)

November 6, 2014

A long time ago I read the book A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby. I didn't find it all that interesting, especially in comparison to his other books, including High Fidelity and About A Boy. The film version of 'A Long Way Down' was actually really good though, so it has that going for it. Pierce Brosnan stars as a former TV talk show host living in shame after an unfortunate incident with an underage girl. On New Year's Eve, he carries a ladder to the top floor of a tall building with plans to jump off. Seconds before taking the leap, he meets Toni Collette, another suicidal hopeful with the same idea. While they're talking they meet Imogen Poots and Aaron Paul, two more like minded individuals all bent on ending their life. The four become unlikely friends, more or less, and make a pact to not kill themselves until Valentine's Day when they would all do it together. Somehow the media got wind of their pact and made their lives even more miserable than they were before, but with their friendship holding them together, they pushed on and actually enjoyed being alive until the predetermined Valentine's Day suicide. It was a very thoughtful movie, and I would recommend it, especially to anyone who is considering or has considered suicide because it does show that there is always something to live for.

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