Monday, November 3, 2014

399. Lady, Stay Dead (1981)

November 3, 2014

I saw the VHS cover for the Australian film 'Lady, Stay Dead' years ago and have wanted to watch it ever since. Fortunately, Code Red recently released it on blu-ray and I finally got my chance. It was a pretty decent psycho killer movie about a gardener with a history of raping and killing the women he worked for. One of the women he worked for was a big shot actress who lived in an enormous house. He took her out in his normal way, but was soon faced with unforeseen coincidences that forced him to kill more and more to cover his tracks. When the actress' sister came to stay at the house that day, he tried to get to her but she proved a much more difficult mark. Playing a game of cat and mouse, he attempted to scare her into submission but not before a bloody shoot out with the local security and a relatively violent finale. Not for everyone, but definitely for me, watch it if you're into sleazy 80's exploitation films. Watch the entire film on YouTube here:

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