Monday, November 24, 2014

439. Nightcrawler (2014)

November 24, 2014

'Nightcrawler' was a pretty good film with a sincerely creepy performance by Jake Gyllenhaal. After witnessing an accident and seeing a camera crew led by Bill Paxton arriving on scene to film the gory details to sell to the highest bidding TV news station, petty thief Gyllenhaal decided that "nightcrawling" would be his new calling. The fact that he had absolutely no empathy for anyone and a grueling and underhanded work ethic made his new career choice ideal for him. He learned fast and forced his way into the business, occasionally even altering crime scenes to get the best picture. Destined to be the best and with no remorse for his actions, Gyllenhaal became more and more ambitious as the film went on, ultimately resulting in the deaths of several innocent people because of his recklessness. Gyllenhaal's disturbing and relentless intensity is what drives this movie, makes him the kind of person you hope you'll never meet, and keeps you thinking about it long after it is over. I would recommend it with caution because it will leave you feeling dirty afterwards.

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