Friday, November 7, 2014

404. 3 Days to Kill (2014)

November 7, 2014

I didn't really like this movie. I seriously wanted to, but it just wasn't that good. There were several parts when it seemed like it could have been great, but at the same time there were so many disjointed and incoherent plot points that should have probably been skipped. Kevin Costner stars as Ethan, a terminally ill assassin for the CIA trying to take down some bad guys named The Albino and The Wolf. In the meantime, he is trying to make amends with his wife and daughter who he hasn't seen in years. The usual ridiculous coincidences take place, including his daughter dating the son of The Wolf's business partner. Also, Amber Heard plays an unbelievably silly head honcho for the CIA and gives Costner an experimental and hallucinogenic drug to combat his encroaching illness. Oh, and some squatters take over Costner's apartment and even though he threatens them at gunpoint and brings home a couple bad guys to extract information from, the squatters remain, ultimately naming their newborn baby girl Ethan, after this great man who didn't shoot them when he had the chance. That is literally what happened in this movie, and it was so dumb I almost couldn't finish it. Since this movie didn't know if it wanted to be a comedy or an action movie, and it essentially failed at being either, I don't recommend it.

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